Είχα πολλές φορές παρατηρήσει ότι οι κότες στην αυλή του γείτονα κακάριζαν περίεργα και διαφορετικά, ανάλογα με τη περίπτωση.
Φαινόταν να έχουν τη δική τους γλώσσα, με χαρακτηριστικά που έμοιαζαν σαν κάποιο μελετημένο ρεπερτόριο.... Ιδικό όταν τις τάιζαν, διαφορετικό όταν αντιμετώπιζαν τις απειλές του κόκορα, και άλλο όταν έκαναν κανένα αυγό.
Γιατί όλη η φασαρία για να ανακοινώσουν τη γέννηση ενός αυγού;
Αλλά εκείνη τη νύχτα ξέσπασαν κραυγές αγωνίας, κάτι σαν συναγερμός. Ο πυροβολισμός που ακολούθησε ξύπνησε όλη τη γειτονιά. Κάτι κακό πρέπει να συνέβαινε στην αυλή του κυρ-Πέτρου. Το μάτι του μόλις μετά βίας διέκρινε μια σκιά που πήδηξε έξω, πάνω από το ψηλό τοίχο της αυλής.
Το επόμενο πρωί έλειπαν δύο κότες. Η αυλή γεμάτη με σκόρπια φτερά και κηλίδες από αίματα, έμοιαζε με πεδίο μάχης.
“Αναθεματισμένη αλεπού”, μουρμούρισε ο κυρ-Πέτρος. Δεν μπορούσε να συνεχίζεται αυτή η κατάσταση. Η αλεπού έπρεπε να σκοτωθεί. Έτσι, ο παππούς μου που ήταν δεινός κυνηγός, ανέλαβε την εκτέλεση του δράστη.
Νωρίς το επόμενο πρωί, ζώθηκε με τα εργαλεία του πολέμου, κρέμασε το δωδεκάρι δίκαννο στον ώμο και ξεκίνησε για τη μάχη.
Ήταν ακόμη χαράματα και σκοτεινά και δεν φαινόταν κανένα αγρίμι τριγύρω στους πυκνούς θάμνους. Να όμως..... Μερικές δεκάδες μέτρα πιο πέρα σ' ένα ξέφωτο, το έδαφος ήταν σπαρμένο με φτερά και με κηλίδες απο αίματα.
Α! Ο ένοχος έπρεπε να κρυβόταν κάπου εδώ. Ο παππούς προχωρούσε σιγά σιγά με προσοχή. Και να, εκεί ανάμεσα από δυο χαμηλούς θάμνους, κάτι ύποπτο κουνιόταν.
Μπούμ....μπούμ....., ακούστηκε το δίκαννο. “Σ' έφαγα παλιό αλεπού!”, ψιθύρισε ο παππούς. Πλησίασε με προσοχή.... Ο δράστης ήταν νεκρός.
Λοιπόν, όπως κάθε περήφανος κυνηγός συνήθιζε να κάνει σ' αυτή τη περίπτωση, έδεσε ένα σχοινί γύρω από το λαιμό του θύματος και πήρε το δρόμο της επιστροφής. Όταν έφτασε στο χωριό, ο ήλιος είχε ανατείλει και αρκετός κόσμος είχε βγεί στη κεντρική πλατεία.
Μαζεύτηκαν πολλοί περίεργοι τριγύρω να δουν την αλεπού η οποία κείτονταν νεκρή στο έδαφος, και άρχισε ο καθένας να κάνει τα σχόλιά του. “Αυτή είναι η αλεπού;”, ρώτησε κάποιος.
“Ναι αυτός είναι ο δράστης”, λέει ο παππούς.
“Θα μπορούσα να ορκιστώ. Αυτή δεν είναι αλεπού”, φωνάζει ο ίδιος.
“Μα δε βλέπεις τη φουντωτή ουρά;” απαντάει άλλος. “Καλά το κεφάλι είναι γεμάτο αίματα και χώματα και δεν μπορώ να πω.”
Σε λίγο φτάνει ένας άνδρας που, βλέποντας το κακόμοιρο ζώο στο έδαφος, το περιεργάστηκε προσεκτικά.
“Τι έκανες ρε Παντελή! Μου σκότωσες το καλύτερο σκυλί!”, φωνάζει.
Ο παππούς κοίταξε ξανά προσεκτικά. “Έχει δίκιο”, σκέφτηκε και απομακρύνθηκε από τη πλατεία με το κεφάλι σκυμμένο.
The neighbor's chickens
Johnny had always observed that the chickens in the neighbor's back yard made peculiar sounds.
They had their own language it seemed. A different cackling for every occasion.
A cackling repertory when they were being fed, a different one when they had a close encounter with the rooster, and one that announced the birth of an egg; very strange, Johny thought. Why would a chicken go to the trouble to tell everybody about the new egg she had laid.(read more)
But that night hell broke loose. The cackling sounded unusual ; it was something like an alarm.
It was loud enough to wake up the neighborhood The shotgun firing really meant that something bad was happening in the neighbor's back yard.
He just managed to get a glimpse of the creature that disappeared jumping over the fence.
Next morning: the toll, two missing chickens. The back yard was a mess, with feathers scattered around and blood stains all over.
The damn fox had done it again. He had raided many chicken coops in the village in the past.
Something should be done about it.
So, Johnny's grandfather had a duty to perform: find and exterminate the culprit.
Early in the morning before daybreak, he got his hunting gear, his 12-gauge shotgun, and started for the woods.
It was still dark and he couldn't see any creatures among the bushes. A few hundred feet outside the village, he noticed that there were feathers scattered here and there. There! Blood stains.
“Well”, he thought, “the fox can't be too far away”.
Something moved among the bushes about 20 yards ahead. Boom!.... Boom!.... “I got you, you damned creature!”, he thought.
He approached with caution. The fox looked dead.
Now , like any good hunter would do, he was going to show off his trophy to the village people. So, he wrapped a rope around the poor thing's neck and started towards the village dragging it along the dusty trail.
The sun was already up, and when he arrived at the town's square, he stretched the animal out on the ground so that everybody could have a look.
People gathered around looking and making comments. “Is this the fox?” somebody asked.
“That's the culprit!”, the hunter answered.
“I could swear it looks like a dog”, the fellow added.
“Look, can't you see the bushy tail?”, somebody else intervened. “Look at the beautiful fur. But I can't be sure about the head. It's all messed up and dusty”.
Anyway, everybody was glad to see the damn creature dead. They had lost quite a few chickens.
But the screaming voice of another man, who had just arrived, spoiled the party.
“Hey Mister!”, “why did you kill my best dog!”
The embarrassed grandfather took a careful look at the dead fox. “Yes”, he thought, “they were right!”
This fox was the poor man's dog!
Johnny had always observed that the chickens in the neighbor's back yard made peculiar sounds.
They had their own language it seemed. A different cackling for every occasion.
A cackling repertory when they were being fed, a different one when they had a close encounter with the rooster, and one that announced the birth of an egg; very strange, Johny thought. Why would a chicken go to the trouble to tell everybody about the new egg she had laid.(read more)
But that night hell broke loose. The cackling sounded unusual ; it was something like an alarm.
It was loud enough to wake up the neighborhood The shotgun firing really meant that something bad was happening in the neighbor's back yard.
He just managed to get a glimpse of the creature that disappeared jumping over the fence.
Next morning: the toll, two missing chickens. The back yard was a mess, with feathers scattered around and blood stains all over.
The damn fox had done it again. He had raided many chicken coops in the village in the past.
Something should be done about it.
So, Johnny's grandfather had a duty to perform: find and exterminate the culprit.
Early in the morning before daybreak, he got his hunting gear, his 12-gauge shotgun, and started for the woods.
It was still dark and he couldn't see any creatures among the bushes. A few hundred feet outside the village, he noticed that there were feathers scattered here and there. There! Blood stains.
“Well”, he thought, “the fox can't be too far away”.
Something moved among the bushes about 20 yards ahead. Boom!.... Boom!.... “I got you, you damned creature!”, he thought.
He approached with caution. The fox looked dead.
Now , like any good hunter would do, he was going to show off his trophy to the village people. So, he wrapped a rope around the poor thing's neck and started towards the village dragging it along the dusty trail.
The sun was already up, and when he arrived at the town's square, he stretched the animal out on the ground so that everybody could have a look.
People gathered around looking and making comments. “Is this the fox?” somebody asked.
“That's the culprit!”, the hunter answered.
“I could swear it looks like a dog”, the fellow added.
“Look, can't you see the bushy tail?”, somebody else intervened. “Look at the beautiful fur. But I can't be sure about the head. It's all messed up and dusty”.
Anyway, everybody was glad to see the damn creature dead. They had lost quite a few chickens.
But the screaming voice of another man, who had just arrived, spoiled the party.
“Hey Mister!”, “why did you kill my best dog!”
The embarrassed grandfather took a careful look at the dead fox. “Yes”, he thought, “they were right!”
This fox was the poor man's dog!
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